Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

Marvel Legends Series 8

Modern Iron Man

The son of a wealthy industrialist, Tony Stark was an inventive mechanical engineering prodigy. He inherited his father's business at age 21, transforming the company, Stark International, into one of the world's leading weapons manufactures. While field-testing a suit of battle armor in Asia Stark was struck in the chest by a piece of shrapnel and taken prisoner by the warlord Wong-Chu.
He was ordered to create a weapon of mass destruction - only then would he receive the operation to save his life. Along with fellow prisoner Ho Yinsen, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, Stark began work on a modified exoskeleton equipped with heavy weaponry. Yinsen designed the armor's breastplate to sustain the industrialist's wounded heart. Stark donned the suit in an attempt to escape captivity. Overcoming the warlord's forces, Stark returned to America and redesigned the suit. Inventing the cover story that Iron Man was his body guard, he embarked on a double life as a billionaire industrialist and costumed adventurer.

Series : Marvel Legends Series 8
Manufacturer : Toybiz
Availability : In Stock
Condition : Loose Complete with Mask and Standbase
Price : CALL


  © Action Figure Bust Statue by Kiazake Toys 2008

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